Computerized National ID Cards - Data Entry software for NADRA
The system comprises of front-end which is developed in Visual Basic 6 and C++, at the back-end MS SQL Server 7.0 is used for Windows NT. Pakistan citizen database is being developed under the supervision of NADRA. During the Census 65 Millions National Database Forms (NDFs) were collected. This information required to be converted into digital format. For digitizing the system, PDMS designed and developed a comprehensive system. The system fully supports Urdu and Sindhi language and uses intelligent typing features to facilitate the entry of Urdu/Sindhi data. The system was successfully used to enter 65 Million NDFs by 10,000 operators working 24 hours a day on a country wide network of 2500 Pentium III computers and 24 high-end dual Pentium Servers. Lookup library of all cities/villages of Pakistan is incorporated in the software. The software is designed to handle data in high volumes and is optimized for large production based paper less data entry (daily production of above 400,000 form per day). Scanned form appears on top portion of the windows and data entry is done at the bottom for a paperless world. Image Enhancement features for photographs, thumb impression and signature are also provided. Every form goes through 2 quality control layers of checking before going into production. Automatic accuracy records of operator and quality control were also maintained for each form to calculate pay roll with respect to accuracy and speed.